danceWEB as project co-ordinator

danceWEB–Verein zur Förderung des internationalen Kulturaustausches im Bereich der Darstellenden Künste
Museumstraße 5/21
1070 Vienna, Austria

+43 1 523 55 58 40

+43 1 523 55 58 9


president: Karl Regensburger (interim)

artistic director: Rio Rutzinger

project manager: Sylvia Scheidl

finances: Katharina Binder

website concept, graphic design & cms: Hannes Zellinger

scholarship programme: Sara Lanner

communication Life Long Burning: Almud Krejza


Medium holder and editor
danceWEB – Verein zur Förderung des internationalen Kulturaustausches im Bereich der Darstellenden Künste
Museumstraße 5/21
A-1070 Vienna
T +43.1.523 55 58-40
F +43.1.523 55 58-9

Legal structure
Non-profit association
Company registration number: 273129863

Legal representatives/members of the board of danceWEB
Mag. Karl Regensburger (Chairman interim)
Mag. Karl Regensburger (Cashier)
Dr. Manfred Forstenlehner (Secretary)


All texts, images, graphics, video sequences, documentary recordings and other materials published on the website of Life Long Burning are protected by copyright. The owner is either danceWEB or the person or institution named in the list of references. Any reproduction, copying or publication of the information, which appears on is forbidden. Permission to print and distribute may be granted in individual cases.


Content of online resources
danceWEB points out to users of the online resources at (“website”) that they use this resource at their own risk. danceWEB will do its utmost to ensure that the contents of the website are accurate. danceWEB does not, however, accept any responsibility for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against danceWEB relating to damage or loss of a material or non-material nature arising from use or non-use of the information offered or through use of incorrect and incomplete information, are expressly excluded, in so far as there exists no demonstrable intentional or gross negligence on the part of danceWEB. All resources are subject to alteration and are non-binding. danceWEB expressly reserves the right to change, amend, delete or cease publication of some of the web pages or the entire resources temporarily or finally without prior notice.

References and links
danceWEB excludes any liability for the material of third parties to whom references are made by means of direct or indirect “links”. danceWEB has no influence on the current or future design, content or authorship of the linked/associated web pages. danceWEB therefore expressly distances itself herewith from all material on all linked/associated web pages. This statement applies to all links and references placed within our own Internet resources and to entries by others in the visitors’ books, discussion forums and mailing lists provided by danceWEB. The provider of the web page to which one has been referred is solely responsible for illegal, incorrect or incomplete material and in particular for damage or loss arising from the use or non-use of the information provided; responsibility does not lie with the one who is merely referring to the particular publication via links.

Copyright and trademark law
danceWEB endeavours to observe the copyrights of the texts, images, graphics, video sequences and documentary recordings used in all its publications, to use texts, images, graphics, video sequences and documentary recordings prepared by danceWEB itself or its contractual partner and to access texts, images, graphics, video sequences and documentary recordings in the public domain. All hallmarks and trademarks which are named within the Internet resources and where applicable protected by third parties are subject unreservedly to the terms and conditions of the respective valid trademark laws and the property rights of the respective registered owner. The conclusion should not be drawn from the mere quoting of a trademark that the said trademark is not protected by registered rights of third parties! The copyright for digital objects prepared and published by danceWEB itself or its contractual partner remains solely with danceWEB (author of the web pages). Duplication or use of such graphics, documentary recordings, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the express permission of the author (danceWEB).


We (danceWEB) see the protection of your personal data as a particular concern of ours. We (danceWEB) only make use of your data on the basis of legal regulations (GDPR, TKG 2003). In our information section on data protection, we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing in the context of our website.

Processing personal data
“Personal data” includes all the information that refers to an identified or identifiable natural person. Besides being used for reasons expressly stipulated in this privacy policy, these personal data will be used for the following purposes based on legal authorization or permission given by users: the provision, execution, handling, optimization and safeguarding/securing of our (user) services as well as ensuring technical support.

Contact with us
If you contact us via online form or via e-mail, your data will be saved until further notice to allow for the processing of requests and potential follow-up questions. 

Scholarship Application
For the purpose of the scholarship application administration, the following data will be saved: first name, last name, gender identity, date of birth, place of birth, nationality, 2nd nationality, present address: street/nr, city, postal code, country, phone 1, phone 2, fax, email address; home address: street/nr, city, postal code, country, phone 1, phone 2, fax, email address; other important information on how to reach you; institutions you know that may possible finance your scholarship; information on high school, BA/BFA Dance, MA/MFA Dance, BFA/or BA in other subjects, MFA/or MA in other subjects; information on regular training, workshops, festivals, other training or interests; information on performance activities (work with own company/in a collective, own work as a maker, engagement with local/national company/choreographer, engagement with company/choreographer on international level, author/collaborator in artistic discipline other than dance/performance, teaching, scholarships/residencies/awards/prizes); information on links to works online; artistic statement; submitted CV, recommendation letters, artistic photo, portrait photo; The data transfer to third parties only occurs when it is necessary in order for us to fulfill contractual obligations (i.e. accounting matters with payment service providers for instance) as well as for our tax accountants for the fulfillment of our fiscal obligations.

In instances where contracts have been concluded, all data originating from the contractual relationship will be saved until further notice. The processing of data will occur on the basis of the legal regulations § 96 Par. 3 TKG (telecommunication laws) as well as Art. 6 Par. 1 lit a (consent) and/or lit b (required for contractual fulfillment) of the GDPR.

Server logfiles
Access to the server of the website is protocolled for security reasons. Accessible data includes the name of the used URL, the date and time of access, transferred data volume, response code, type and version of the browser, user client and IP-address. These server logfiles are not filed and categorized according to the personhood of a user and are used only for the optimization of the website as well as to recognize and counter misuse of or attacks against the web server.

Newsletters are only sent once recipients have given their consent or where there is legal authorization. To register for the newsletter, it is sufficient to simply provide your e-mail address.

Content of the newsletters
Following registration for the newsletter, its content will be specifically described. Apart from this, the newsletters contain information regarding our programme, offers, services and much more.

Double-opt-in and protocolling
Registration for our newsletter occurs in a double-opt-in procedure. This means that you will receive an e-mail, asking you to confirm your registration, after having completed the initial registration. Registration for our newsletter is protocolled so that the registration procedure can be proven following legal requirements. This includes recording the time and date of registration and subsequent confirmation as well as the IP-address.

Statistical survey and analysis
The newsletters contain a so-called “web beacon”. A “web beacon” is a data file the size of a pixel, which is retrieved from our web server upon opening the newsletter. The token, which is saved during this process, and the time of retrieval are used only for the statistical measurement of the number of times the newsletter was read (opened) and the types of links that were clicked on.

Subscription for the newsletter can be cancelled anytime. Send a request for cancellation to the following e-mail address: . We may save previously used e-mail addresses on the basis of our legitimate interests, so that we can prove the consent given at an earlier point in time. The processing of such data will be limited to the purpose of possible refusal of entitlements. An individually filed request for deletion is possible at all times.

You can send us a request to delete your submitted scholarship application data at any point in time. Please send your request for cancellation to the following e-mail address: or via mail to danceWEB, Museumstraße 5/21, 1070 Vienna, Austria. We may save addresses that were previously delivered to in order to prove formerly given consent. The processing of such data is limited to the purpose of possible refusal of entitlements. An individually filed request for deletion is possible at all times. 

“Cookies” are small text files that are saved on your terminal. A cookie serves as a means to save the provided data of a user (or rather, the device on which the cookie is saved) during or after the visiti of our website as part of an online offer.

Temporary versus permanent Cookies
Temporary cookies (“session cookies”) are known as cookies that are deleted after a user abandons an online offer or closes the web browser. Such a cookie may contain saved information concerning the content of your shopping cart, for instance. “Permanent” or “persistent” cookies are those that remain saved even after the browser has been closed. As such, certain user settings may be permanently saved on a website.

“First-party cookies“ versus “Third-party cookies“
“Third-party cookies” are known as cookies that belong to providers other than the main responsible party who is in charge of the online offers. The cookies that correspond solely to the main responsible party are known as “first-party cookies”.

Objection to online marketing
Objection to the use of cookies for the multifold services that serve the purpose of online marketing may be declared via the US site or the EU site

Deactivating/deleting cookies in the browser
You can prevent the use of cookies through our website by changing your browser settings, for instance by adding an exception for our website or by generally disagreeing to the use of cookies. You furthermore have the possibility to delete individual (or all) cookies manually.
Deactivating cookies may limit the functionality of our website. Logging in and booking workshops online is not possible without a (temporary) cookie.

Inclusion of services and content of third parties (“Third-Party-Cookies”)
We make use of the content and service offers by third parties within our online offering on the basis of your rightful interest (i.e. interest in analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offering according to Art. 6 Par. 1 lit f GDPR) to integrate videos or fonts, for example.

In so doing, cookies can be saved on the device of the respective user by the services to maintain technical information on the browser and operating system, time of visit as well as further details on the usage. We have no control over third party cookies. Please visit the website of the provider to find out more about these cookies and how they are managed:

We make use of videos available on the platform YouTube offered by the provider Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA.

We make use of videos available on the platform Vimeo offered by the provider Vimeo, Inc., 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011.

Google Fonts
We make use of the fonts Google Fonts offered by the provider Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Data protection statement:, Opt-out:

Your rights

You are entitled to the rights of information, correction, deletion, limitation, data transfer, revocation and objection. If you believe that your data is being processed in manners contrary to data protection laws or that your entitlements concerning data protection have been compromised in some other way, you are entitled to file a complaint with the respective regulatory authority. In Austria, this is the data protection authority (Datenschutzbehörde).

The data that has been saved with us will be deleted as soon as they are no longer necessary for their intended purpose and no retention obligations stand in the way.

You can reach us at the following address:

Museumstraße 5/21, 1070 Vienna
T +43.1.523 55 58



This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the Internet resources, which have directed the user to this page. In so far as parts or individual formulations of this text should not comply with, no longer comply or do not fully comply with the currently valid legal position, the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected as regards their content and validity.

© danceWEB 2024. All rights reserved.