Open House

Open House aims to let the local and regional scene profit from the international experience which artists gain through Life Long Burning activities. After their participation the local partner organizes an event where fellow artists and interested audience can get a first hand report about the exchange, ask questions and learn about the possibilities we offer.

© Kerstin Schroth
Soup Talks

Moving in November released its programme for the festival from 7–17 November in Helsinki! One format we are involved in and highly recommend: The Soup Talks, where informal conversations raise between audience and artists mingling around a hot pot full of soup.

07.11.2024 - 17.11.2024 @ Moving in November, Helsinki
Lin Da © Jussi Ulkuniemi
Open House with Lin Da in Helsinki

Finnish artist, choreographer and performer Lin Da was on an Artistic Exchange Residency at Uferstudios Berlin this summer. On 20 December they share their experience, research and insights regarding the residency, in the frame of an Open House shaped as a Soup Talk. Like the other Soup Talks of Moving in November Festival it will start midday, Laura Pietiläinen will be the host.

20.12.2023 @ Eläintarhan huvila, Helsinki
Open House with Valentina Miloš

Divert Zagreb and Nomad Dance Academy Slovenia invite to a discussion with Valentina Miloš, Sonja Pregrad, Silvia Marchig and Gregor Kamnikar. 

26.11.2023 @ TALA PLE(j)S, Zagreb
Lifeboat Residency

Rita Lira and Hannah Kyrychyshyna, two dancers from the Ukraine, visit Timișoara for a  2-weeks-residency. They are given studio space at Casa Tineretului and they will take part at the Choreographic Convention 2023. Their stay will finalize with an Open House event in which they share their experiences.

26.09.2023 - 10.10.2023 @ 4Culture, Timișoara
Artistic Exchange Residencies, Co-Productions, Creative Crossroads  
Capacity Grid, On The Outset, Outsetters Abroad  
Performance Situation Rooms, Choreographic Conventions