Luisa Pisetta Ravanelli
Outsetter Abroad 2024
Luisa Pisetta Ravanelli is a performance artist based in Vienna. Her art practice persistently questions human rights issues, with a particular focus on how discrimination against sexual minorities is framed across various contexts—from law to house dance. Autobiographical archives are prominent in her work, weaving intimate obsessions into politically dense discourses. She navigates the nuances of communication between seemingly unreachable planets.
With her work ALhmesde, she was part of the research project Towards The Realm of Materiality, funded by the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and published by Nero Edition (2024, IT). She holds a master’s degree in Applied Human Rights at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, and she was a recipient of the danceWEB Scholarship Programme at ImPulsTanz 2024. Her work has been presented at Lake Studios Berlin (DE), Brunnenpassage (AT), Klangraum Krems (AT), NEU radio (IT), among others, as well as in public spaces.
Currently, she is developing Soccer Sensuale, a series of movement-based activities that transform mainstream male football into dramatic, performative tools for empowering FLINTA bodies.
In the frame of our programme Outsetters Abroad, Luisa is part of the organisational team of the ChoreoCon 2024 in Zagreb.